Jeff Kingery
Head Pastor
I was brought out of the darkness and into the light in 1991. I grabbed hold of the plow, and I’ve never looked back. Likewise, I just want to take the time here to state the fact that God has blessed my life in ways unimaginable. He’s given me my beautiful wife, Missy, five wonderful children, one grandson, one granddaughter and a ministry that He’s blessed tremendously!
When Jesus got a hold of my heart, I began to serve Him immediately in the worship ministry. About three years later He began using me in a teaching capacity and serving as an Assistant Pastor for four more years. In 1998, I began serving Him full-time vocationally here at CCJ. Years later, I still can’t believe the blessed privilege God has extended to me in serving His body through teaching His word.
If you don’t have a church you call “home,” I’d like you to consider this a personal invitation to join us on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings!
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
When Jesus got a hold of my heart, I began to serve Him immediately in the worship ministry. About three years later He began using me in a teaching capacity and serving as an Assistant Pastor for four more years. In 1998, I began serving Him full-time vocationally here at CCJ. Years later, I still can’t believe the blessed privilege God has extended to me in serving His body through teaching His word.
If you don’t have a church you call “home,” I’d like you to consider this a personal invitation to join us on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings!
To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Russ Hibbard
Assistant Pastor
Kim and I have been married since 1988. We have three grown children, Mariah, Zack and Isaac and Silas, our first grandchild. I came to the Lord in the spring of 1994 and have just been blown away at the places God has lead me to and the ministries He has allowed me to be a part of over the years. In the beginning, I served with the youth, first as a helper and then as the youth leader. I am currently serving as the Assistant Pastor.. I'm blessed teach the Thursday night bible study and fill in from time to time on Sunday for Pastor Jeff. Kim and I oversee the marriage group as well as Body Life Events here at CCJ. along with coordinating our local outreaches, community events, and various building and grounds projects throughout the year., needless to say, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Feel free to reach out to me and lets get you plugged in CCJ

Jody Hendrix
Creative/Tech Pastor
My wife Gina and I have been married since 1993, and we have one son, Benjamin. We were married at Calvary Chapel, Joplin and have been serving here for many years. I served as Youth Leader from 1993-2006, I have been on the worship team since 1991, and have served in the Children’s Ministry and other various ministries. I love spending time in God's Word, and I love fellowship with believers. Likewise, I believe that time spent with others is where true discipleship takes place. As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. -Proverbs 27:17
I am currently heading up the Media, IT, and all things technical here at CCJ. In addition, I am leading The Men's Ministry, The College Group, Life Groups, Youth Assistant, and as Volunteer Coordinator.
You can always call or text me @ 417-782-2141, Ext. 101 Let's get together with open hearts for the Lord; I think you will be amazed at the things God can do through a group of people willing and open to Him.
I am currently heading up the Media, IT, and all things technical here at CCJ. In addition, I am leading The Men's Ministry, The College Group, Life Groups, Youth Assistant, and as Volunteer Coordinator.
You can always call or text me @ 417-782-2141, Ext. 101 Let's get together with open hearts for the Lord; I think you will be amazed at the things God can do through a group of people willing and open to Him.

Missy Kingery
Women's ministry
I'm one of those classic 80s girls. I was raised in a Christian home filled with the love & grace of Jesus. Like any home, things weren't perfect, but over all I had a fairly normal childhood. I had a brother, sister and a mom and dad who loved each other. We didn't have much monetarily, but there was a lot of love.
When I was thirteen, the unthinkable happened: my dad passed away and my life as I knew it was turned upside down. There's a long story that coincides with that, but suffice it to say, my life would never be the same again. It was 1985 (need I say more?).
I was thrust into the "real world." I spent the next 6 years spiraling out of control. You see, having grown up in that Christian home, I never knew Christ. Not really, not personally. I thought I was fine. I had the knowledge of Christ, but I was seeking to do things unconventionally now. Furthermore, I was using my teenage years to find out what it was that the world had to offer me.
In my search I found a lot of things. I found I did have problems, but so did everyone. The most important thing I found was the love of my life. On Main Street.
He was in a band, and we all know band guys are really cool--right! No, I mean it, really they are. To this day, he's still my right on band guy. I was (and still am) his biggest fan. His groupie, if you'll allow me the term. I followed him everywhere. (You know, God knew something I didn't!) It was the best thing I did--following Jeff around. God took his life and changed it. Jeff got saved, but the rocker in him would not change. Now he was in a Christian band and having Christian concerts. I still followed him around. Why wouldn't I? I was fine with God. I would certainly never get in His way. Likewise, I grew up in a Christian home, went to church my whole life. I didn't have a problem with Christians, I was one--right?
Little did I know, as I was standing backstage at one of those Christian concerts preparing to receive "new believers" and pray with them, I became one of them!!! God grabbed a hold of my heart that day in a way that I had never felt before. My God became My Savior that day. Jeff and I have been serving Him together ever since. We've been serving the body of Christ at CCJ since 1993. We have 5 beautiful children, 2 boys and 3 girls, a wonderful daughter-in-love, a sweet grandson and a beautiful granddaughter. It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't change a thing because Jesus changed everything!
When I was thirteen, the unthinkable happened: my dad passed away and my life as I knew it was turned upside down. There's a long story that coincides with that, but suffice it to say, my life would never be the same again. It was 1985 (need I say more?).
I was thrust into the "real world." I spent the next 6 years spiraling out of control. You see, having grown up in that Christian home, I never knew Christ. Not really, not personally. I thought I was fine. I had the knowledge of Christ, but I was seeking to do things unconventionally now. Furthermore, I was using my teenage years to find out what it was that the world had to offer me.
In my search I found a lot of things. I found I did have problems, but so did everyone. The most important thing I found was the love of my life. On Main Street.

Little did I know, as I was standing backstage at one of those Christian concerts preparing to receive "new believers" and pray with them, I became one of them!!! God grabbed a hold of my heart that day in a way that I had never felt before. My God became My Savior that day. Jeff and I have been serving Him together ever since. We've been serving the body of Christ at CCJ since 1993. We have 5 beautiful children, 2 boys and 3 girls, a wonderful daughter-in-love, a sweet grandson and a beautiful granddaughter. It's been a wild ride, but I wouldn't change a thing because Jesus changed everything!

Joseph Mitchell
Children's/Student Ministry Leader
"We love Him because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)